Wow, five months. I suppose this blogging thing just isn't for me. Lesse, five months. Got a snake, almost done building a treehouse, dems took control of the house and the senate and they're still a bunch of fucking pussies, ate at Spago, gave up caffiene for a couple weeks, got five months older. *Shrug*. Life goes on. WWIII is now
really ramping up in the middle east. It's looking like I
will be writing the shaders for *******, which is OK but it means that I'm going to be *****'s bitch for the next ten months. My P990i is tres cool. Siggraph poker game II was cool. Butler kicked our asses, which is sad because he had no idea that the goal of hold-em was to take all of the other people's money. Got to see The Tribe at Fenway while I was at Siggraph. Of course Ortiz hit a 3-run bomb in the bottom of the ninth to beat the Indians. Coached RC's flag football team. We finished in first in the regular season, but got knocked out in our first playoff game. I was proud of 'em. They really came together as a team. I really think that the whole ended up being more than the sum of the parts. I turned 37 in there somewhere.