So my computer bit the dust on Friday. I'm pretty sure that the motherboard is bad. I thought "I'll just buy a new one and swap it out and I'll be good to go". Well, I was wrong. I had a socket 475 processor and I was using a AGP graphics card. There are approximately 0 motherboards available in that configuration. So, now I not only need a new motherboard, but a new CPU and a new graphics card.
At least I could get all of it for about $500. I got a 2 GHz duo proc so the CPU is a pretty big upgrade and the GPU is a decent upgrade. Getting windows to think that it's still the same computer is going to be a real hassle.
Of course, I sat down to watch TV last night and the TV wouldn't come on. I came pretty close to completely freaking out. The 'change lamp' light wasn't on. It just wouldn't power up. I just turned it off and walked away. Came back later, checked the cables, turned it on and it decided to work. Only so many things can break at once without me losing it.