Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So, I'm riding home from work today, coming up the Mulholland pass, I'm lane splitting and I can see that I'm coming up behind a guy on a cruiser. For the most part, the guys on the cruisers don't lane split very fast. Some do, but then, people do stupid things. Anyway, I'm coming up behind this guy on a Harley, and I see that his license plate is hanging by one bolt. Just swinging back and forth like a debutante on a porch swing. Just as we're cresting the pass and heading back down into The Valley, there's a break in the traffic and he pulls over to the left to let me by. Instead of zipping right by, I pulled up next to him and tried to get him to understand that he was going to lose his license plate. Now, you have to understand, Harleys are fucking expensive and most of the people in Los Angeles who can afford to ride a twenty thousand dollar cruiser are Doctors and Lawyers and Executives. Posers, in other words. This guy looked at me with palpable distaste. I'm on a 600rr in full gear, boots, gloves, full helmet, jacket and pants. I'm screaming "You're about to lose your plate" and he's just nodding and saying "blah, blah, whatever". I'm pointing at the back of his bike and what do I see? His license plate actually fell off. Oh well, good luck getting pulled over asshole.

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