So we're eating. W is spooning whatever it was we were having, some sticky, food type substance onto #4's plate. Sticky is the important concept here. It's not just dinner, it's sticky dinner. No, I don't remember what it was, doesn't matter, it was sticky, that's the important bit. Ok? We're all on the same page? Can we continue please? So Mrs. is shaking the spoon up and down a bit, since, not only is the dinner sticky, it's tenacious. It's clinging, nay, sticking to the spoon with great determination. It's late in the fourth quarter and the home team of food and various coefficients of static friction are looking unbeatable as W, gravity and inertia can't seem to get the offense together.
"#4 can you help me out, please?" says W, looking for a utensil to come off the bench and give the offense a lift.
#4 stops talking to #1, quicky asseses the situation, reaches out and grabs W's hand holding the spoon and starts shaking it up and down. Cal beats Stanford. Down Goes Frazier. Hilarity ensues.
creating a history of violence
13 years ago
That is full of win.... 100% epic...