Saturday, January 10, 2009

This just in ...

People are stupid.

It's called "Herd Immunity" and people who don't vaccinate their kids deserve a good old fashioned Polio outbreak except, oops, it's not just the people who aren't immunized that will get sick, it's everyone. You have a social responsibility to vaccinate your kids. Welcome to the 21st century, these aren't your ancestor's Dark Ages.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Jenny McCarthy has won my vote as Biggest Douchebag of 2008 for pushing her imaginary thimerosal/autism connection.

  2. I agree
    It would cause me to go primordial on somebody if the wee man caught something if some granola cruncher didnt vaccinate their kid.
    Said granola crunchers like to ignore several hundred years of science and only pay attention to the science that fits into their happy rainbow filled world....
