Monday, March 24, 2008


UPDATE: It's been, what? Six months since I posted this entry and it's still getting almost ten percent of the traffic on this blog. So, if you're here randomly, leave me a note. I'd love to hear from all you people who come here seemingly at random to look at pictures of my elbow.

While the rest of the gang was at GW&DW's house having brunch and hanging out with the usual suspects. I got to hang out at the local E.R. Why you ask? Well, this

is what a bursa sac infection looks like. I actually was in the ER twice, once on Saturday and once on Easter. On Sunday a nice young doctor who appeared to be about fifteen years old was nice enough to give me IV antibiotics and then stick a large needle in my elbow and suck out three or four cc of icky yellow pus. Saturday night was the worst I've felt in a long, long time. Never fear, I am, so far, on my way to recovery. The pen mark on my arm is where the infection was on Saturday afternoon the first time I went to the ER. The doc Saturday said "come back if it gets bigger", so, there you go.


  1. how absolutely disgusting. not quite on par with looking slices of someone's lungs last month, but definitely more colorful.

    I hope you're feeling better.


  2. Holy Frack dude ...

    hmm how the hck did you get that... rub up against something, get bitten, something you eat, or just happened

    because it looks like a cat bite gone bad...
