Saturday, March 29, 2008

Review: 10,000 BC

If you can get past all the historical inaccuracy, and just suspend your disbelief for ninety minutes. Then this is an OK movie. I mean, this is Emmerich we're talking about here. You did see 'Independance Day' and 'Day After Tomorrow' right? We're not talking about the pinnacle of modern filmmaking. Roland Emmerich was Michael Bay before Michael Bay was Michael Bay. This is the "Plot holes? Who cares, let's blow some shit up" method of making movies. If you can accept that Jeff Goldblum can reverse engineer alien WiFi networks in one day, you should have no problem with Egyptians using slave labor (they didn't) and wooly mamoths (what ... the ... fuck?) to build the great pyramid of Khufu.

So, if you've got your belief suspended, you might actually enjoy this movie. It's a garden variety boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy turns into man who saves girl while saving the world movie. Effects range from good to god-awful. So this looks like a rental for sure. Whatever, it was Ms. STFU's turn to pick. I wanted to see Drillbit Taylor

Two Stars

1 comment:

  1. There is a blockbuster ad with Micheal Bay about making things "awesome" when he say awesome stuff blows up youtube it.
    Its pretty funny , and its funnier that he doesnt take himself so serious...

    Glad the router got there in one piece. Am Currently beta testing other piece of hardware will ship soon...
