Monday, July 07, 2008


Let me start off by saying that I like our Land Cruiser. When everyone was going to school right near home it was great. When they switched schools, it became not so great. It became, Holy Christ We're Filling Up The Tank Every Nine Or Ten Days At $150 A Pop not so great. The thing is, I'm at work most of the time and at least ninety percent of the time the car is in use, it's only for five people, but we do need a car that seats six for the times when we all are going somewhere together. Soltion? Buy another car! Problem solved with our first BMW

1994 525i. Gets a lot better milage than the Cruiser. "Just" 220,000 klicks. Only $2700 dollars. That is a crazy bargain. I really like it, which is good, since I will never get to drive it. BMW gets no love here. I don't get it. That car would easily be five or six grand in LA. It's in great shape. It's been well taken care of. All the Kiwis say "won't it be expensive to maintain?". Well, not as expensive as a car that breaks down every five minutes which is the NZ idea of a bargain. Of course, now that I've said that, it will probably fail to get me home tonight.


  1. Yes, you are a yuppie and have been for a while. Kudos on zee German auto. Wilkommen to ze dark side. ;)

  2. Herzlichen Glueckwuench an Deinem Neuen Auto!

    cool looking car.

    we've just been discussing what to buy next. My VW is @ 105k and climbing, P's is closing in on 100k. But, since neither run bad, and perhaps even more importantly, his gets 30-32 mpg, why change yet? Of course we've only got 4 and no dogs.
