Monday, March 30, 2009


Some asshole from AIG-FP decided to resign, on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times. He made the mistake of trying to play the sympathy card. Big mistake. He gets absolutely fucking told by Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone. It's a must read.

1 comment:

  1. I liked especially:
    > Here's the real problem with people like Jake DeSantis. Throughout this whole period, they never were able to connect the dots -- to grasp the fact that when they skimmed a million here or a million there off the great rivers of capital that flowed through their offices, that that money came from somewhere, from someone.

    It was like these people got a privilege from the government to take a 5% tax of everybody else's wages and put it in their pocket for their "valuable" services as financial plumbers. Why did the government give them that privilege? One answer is here:
