So, it's sometime odd to work in this business, especially when you're working on something like the Lord of the Rings movies, or Avatar. With that kind of film the studio is always walking the line between keeping everything hush-hush to build anticipation and hype for the film and 'leaking' enough tidbits and on-set pictues and general info to keep the fan-boys happy. There's a 3D cinema blog called marketsaw that has heaps of Avatar related posts and it's always fun to check things like that out to see how wildly off base they usually are with their guesses and predictions. Anyway, that blog had a link to a really good youtube video on 'The Uncanny Valley' or 'Why Doing Character Work Is So Expensive'
creating a history of violence
13 years ago
Interesting video. I haven't experienced the uncanny valley myself in a movie, but the pictures give an impression of good but not enough and therefore BAD.