Tuesday, August 05, 2008


According to the BBC, there's quite a healthy flat-earth subculture on teh intarwebs

Do they really think the earth is flat?

John Davis, a flat earth theorist based in Tennessee, has this to say

"Many use the term 'flat-earther' as a term of abuse, and with connotations that imply blind faith, ignorance or even anti-intellectualism."

I'm going to go with, C) People who think the earth is flat are preaching blind faith, monumentally ignorant and anti-intellectuals of the worst kind and while it's nearly impossible to put into words how much people like that aggravate me, it's a nice segue to an interesting article that talks about how the internet is, instead of spreading truth, enabling this kind of idiot to only receive positive reinforcement of his totally fucked world view and his "pursuit of willful delusion".

My Facts, Your Facts

Holy crap the Greeks knew that the earth wasn't flat. In 400BC they had already figured out how big and how far away the moon and the sun were. Flat earthers are a creation of religious backlash against science in Victorian England. Thank you Christian Apologists, the same knuckleheads that brought you this

Anti-Itellectualisim, it's not just for the dark ages anymore!

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